


Welcome to our HOUSING RESOURCE LINKS page.

a comprehensive listing of research and media coverage related to housing
discrimination and segregated housing patterns in the Greater Boston
region, click here.

The Massachusetts Association of Human Rights and Relations Commissions (MAHRC)
MAHRC is an organization of municipal and local agencies responsible for promoting human and civil rights and harmonious relationships among diverse groups at a local level.
Their web site contains a listing of municipal resources for addressing fair housing and diversity issues.

Mass Access: The Accessible Housing Registry
Mass Accessible Housing Registry is a free program that helps people with
disabilities find rental housing in Massachusetts, primarily accessible
and barrier-free housing. The Mass Access database keeps track of accessible
and affordable apartments throughout the state and maintains information
about their availability.

National Fair Housing Advocate Online
National Fair Housing Advocate Online is a resource designed to serve
both the fair housing advocacy community and the general public with timely
news and information regarding the issues of housing discrimination.

Energy Star
government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the
environment through superior energy efficiency.

Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA)

CHAPA is the
non-profit umbrella organization for affordable housing and community
development activities throughout Massachusetts. Established in 1967,
CHAPA is the only statewide group which represents all interests in the
housing field, including non-profit and for-profit developers, homeowners,
tenants, bankers, real estate brokers, property managers, government officials,
and others.
(The website of the Boston Tenant Coalition BTC)

As a home on
the Internet for the mass movement of tenants in Massachusetts,
is a lot of things. Most broadly, it is a network to connect the concerned
groups and individuals who are fighting to reverse the current tide of
housing injustice in our state.

It is also
a library, where you can access information about your rights and how
to organize for better and more affordable housing. It is a phone book,
so you can get in touch with people who can help you solve the housing-related
problems you may face. It is a newspaper, linking you to honest and insightful
discussion of the issues. It is a calendar, keeping you up-to-date on
events. Over the course of the next year, the site will be becoming more
interactive, with a forum and bulletin board so that housing activists
and inexperienced tenants alike can post questions and answers, conversations
and ideally, solutions.

MAHA (Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance
MAHA is a statewide non-profit coalition that works to increase public and private sector investment in affordable housing. Our campaigns, since we were formed in 1985, have resulted in over $2.2 billion of investment in affordable housing by government, banks, and insurance companies. MAHA staffs the grassroots Homebuyers Union, a group of low to moderate income tenants and homeowners who organize to break down the barriers to affordable homeownership.

For site issues, suggestions, or to be placed on our RESOURCE LINKS page,
please contact us at

While the FHCGB has collaborative relationships with many of
the organizations listed above, each organization is responsible for its
contents. The FHCGB provides the links for informational purposes only.